Wiccan Rede

Today we’ll finally get to the Wiccan Rede. You may be surprised to hear that there are actually different versions of the Rede. Most people know the phrase, “An’ it harm none, do what you will.” However, the slightly longer version is:

Here is another version:

A lot of people don’t care much for the “Rule of 3” and question its validity. I happen to be one of them. As someone who grew up in a fundamentalist environment, this sounds eerily similar to some of the weird warnings I was told as a child. At any rate, it seems more to be a control mechanism than an actual fact. Given that I believe “magic” actually follows a lot of principles of physics, it doesn’t make sense to me that sending anything out could be amplified in this way (at least automatically). At any rate, whether you believe it or not, there are people who follow this, so feel free to do what feels right for you.

Here is yet another version. I find this one fun to read as you can learn some spell work from it.

Some people also refer to these as the Wiccan Creeds.

Whatever you call it, and whichever version you use, it can be a good general guideline. What do you think of the Wiccan Rede? Do you follow it? Do you have a version of your own? Have you made up your own guidelines and ground rules, especially if you are not Wiccan?

I’d love to hear about them.






2 responses to “Wiccan Rede”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    I follow the principle behind the Wiccan Rede – be careful what you send out because it will come back to you. I believe in Karma, but not necessarily that everything multiplies by 3 😉 But that’s it.

  2. Mary Hudak-Colllins Avatar

    I have never heard of this and found it interesting. All of my life, I have believed and lived by “what comes around, goes around”, and has pretty much played itself out in my lifetime. This was an interesting post. Thanks for sharing 🙂