My Law of Attraction Story

I’ve been studying the Law of Attraction for many years, and a while back I decided to do a grand experiment.

While I was in Grad School full-time I ran across the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. It had been out for several years, had been really hyped up, and I believe may have been on Oprah as well.

So, obviously I stayed away from it for a while. I don’t like books that are hyped like that because in general they tend to be very watered-down and not very good (to me). But one day at the book store I kept returning to it again and again. Not only did I buy “The Secret,” but I bought a $10,000 bill bookmark.

I devoured the book (even though I did realize it was watered down), and even watched the movie when that came out on Netflix Instant Watch. And I decided to put it to the test. I wrote myself a check for $42,000 and planned on making that by the end of the year.

This felt really far-fetched and totally out of reach to me, so I made a smaller goal of making that $10,000 in the next 2 months. I put a TON of time and energy into visualizing, repeating affirmations, meditating, and believing.

Though I made jewelry here and there and did Tarot readings every once in a while, I wasn’t really working my business. I was attending grad school full-time and had no other job.

In two months, I attracted just over $12,000.

Part of that money came from a scholarship. About a week or two after I bought “The Secret” and put it into action, I received a phone call that my department had suddenly received an endowment and needed to give three people scholarships worth about $4,500 each. And, by the way, would I like one of them?

I was doing NO research, had never applied for this, and there were over 350 people in my program. I was a Master’s student (the other recipients, I believe, were both getting PhD’s), only knew a couple of teachers, and hadn’t really done anything to make a splash in my program. I was on no committees, did no volunteer work, or anything else. Basically I was just taking 17 hours or so of credits and plowing through the program. Yet they chose me to receive the scholarship.

The rest of the money came from really strange places. People would contact me for readings or jewelry. Or they would offer to pay for things or buy them for me. Strangers would walk up to me and say, “I don’t know why I feel compelled to talk to you, but I wonder if you can help.” And then they would pay me for my advice.

It was all pretty amazing, a little creepy at times, and very awesome. Unfortunately, it was severely draining. I felt like I was putting out positive energy constantly, and I wasn’t resupplying myself. Every day started feeling like a struggle. I was starting to cry for no reason and then I started getting exhausted and very angry all the time.

So after two months, I quit my experiment. I have no doubt had I continued I would have attracted the other $30,000 in a few months. But at what cost?

I didn’t understand how to do things right at that time. I wasn’t taking care of myself. I also felt like I was getting too much in return for too little and needed to get through some money issues.

This time I’m doing things differently. I’ll be exploring some options so that I don’t get exhausted. I plan on making an extra $10,000 in the next 3 months. I want to start with something a little smaller this time that is still completely doable so that I don’t wear myself out.

What are your goals? Do you want to start on your LoA journey? Jump in and tell me what you’re going to accomplish in the next 3 or 4 months. Then sit back and enjoy the ride – I hope you’re ready!

Amethyst Mahoney






13 responses to “My Law of Attraction Story”

  1. Marian Avatar

    Wow! Very amazing!

    Interestingly when the book, “The Secret” first came out I also balked because of the hype around it. Plus, I had been studying with an East Indian Guru for years who basically taught that what we think we manifest so the concepts of the book felt “borrowed” to me! LOL! However, I saw the movie on Netflix which felt very inspiring.

    Things haven’t happened to me as quickly as you’ve described, but I am also told that this is a new Dimension where manifestation can happen very quickly (keep positive!).

    I would like to pay off my mortgage and retire before I’m ninety…. *sigh* I will manifest money also in a way that is not a hardship for myself. I’ve learned through my spiritual teacher that money is another form of God and when there is give and take there is flow…

  2. Gary Karp Avatar

    Interesting blog. The comment about not recharging your energy is very valid and a lesson most LoA gurus do not teach. Also most LoA teaching focus on the end result not the journey.

    My LoA journey over the next three or four months is to grow my tarot consulting biz and move beyond to become a speaker/teacher in the field of personal/spiritual growth. I choose to my authentic self in hopes to bring other people to theirs.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      It seems the really popular LoA coaches just tell you to think it, feel it, and you’ll have it. Then so many people wonder why they “fail.” They didn’t fail – they just weren’t given the whole story.

  3. Dee Ankary Avatar

    Wow – what a story!

    I read the book and saw the movie as well. Yes, a lot of hype, and a lot of disbelief.

    I cannot, however, deny that setting up my vision board, and saving as my background on both my phone and computer, must have had some effect. The end of the year came, and all the things I had on the board were in my life.

    Keeping it front and centre, visualizing and believing it can happen is very powerful. Just as “I can’t” pretty much ensures you don’t.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Congratulations, Dee! I’m going to do a new Vision Board later this summer!

  4. Kimberly ~ Gypsy Avatar

    a friend of mine in 2006 told me about this. She had done her own experiment — she wanted to get out of her negative rut. It definitely helped her and she saw & felt a major shift in her attitude within a few weeks that expanded out to her homemade soap business and other endeavors. She convinced me to watch it, so I did — and I was impressed. I’ve read the book several times — but sadly have drifted from my daily “manifestation” regime. However I have started my Gratitude journal up again and I am seeing little things happening.

    My first goal is “As within ~ So without” — I need to heal the inside before I can focus on the outside. It does not matter how positive or how much you visualize, if you don’t have a handle on the negative toxic junk in your head, it just is not going to work. as I am already working through this “shift”. My other goal is to help 7 people step over to the “dark side” — by which I mean get out of static websites and switch to WordPress Blogsites — by end of May 😉

    thanks for the inspiration, Amethyst! 😉 Sending hugs and thanks! You rock!!!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      That’s a good point, Kimberly. But I found that I couldn’t change my own negative thoughts and “inside junk” until I started visualizing my goals and dreams and acting on them. For me, the two had to work together. Neither could come before the other. Don’t sit around and work on yourself for so long that you miss opportunities. 😉

  5. Mary Caelsto Avatar

    What an inspiring story. My goal is to have 15 people sign up for next month’s weekend intensive. That’s the short term. Long term, I want to be supporting myself with my two businesses by September/October. Like Kimberly, I’m trying to focus on “as within, so without” and have gone through some powerful work healing my inner child so she feels loved and deserving of everything that comes without worrying about others not being able to “afford” giving to her.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Those are great goals, Mary! I talked a little about SMART goals on my business site at:

  6. […] This was inspired by my friend, Amethyst Mahoney who spoke about the book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Read it here: […]

  7. […] been coming across the Law of Attraction quite frequently of late, such as Amethyst Mahoney’s post, Megan Monique’s post about Trading Up (which I mentioned in my last post)…then […]

  8. Jamie Avatar

    I began doing LoA way before I knew what it was. I did it through prayer, but basically in the same way. Things started changing and happening around me so quickly that, like Amethyst, I had to back off. I felt like I was playing God, and I didn’t like that. Before the Secret, I stumbled across What the Bleep Do We Know, and then watched the Secret when it came out. They renewed my desire to create what I wanted in my life, and I began to go forward again. The thing I find that gets in my way the most is me. Sometimes I have to get “me” out of the way so I can go through the open doors. I don’t have stories about huge amounts of money, but have “created” cars, homes by the water, family love, clients, and more. For me, I think the key is to remember what my deepest heart’s desires are, what my inner calling is. Those things pull faster than just hoping for some money without a real reason associated with it.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who didn’t have a reason behind why they were manifesting money. My experiment for the $10,000 is for a very specific reason. I’ll talk more about the Why’s behind the Laws later on this site and making Vision Boards and fun things like that. 😉