Advent Calendar









You may have seen my post the other day about the Tarot Advent Calendar that Barbara Moore made. Someone asked me (and not in a mean way, I might add, he was just curious) if this wasn’t somehow wrong and having nothing to do with “Advent.”

Well, not at all. First of all, Advent, according to Merriam-Webster, means: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. As we celebrate the return of the Sun on the 22nd, we can certainly have our own Advent calendar. Whether you make one yourself or buy a store-bought version, there are tons of Advent calendars to choose from.

Which really got me thinking: why would anyone think an Advent calendar is only about one particular event or religion? I found calendars with all sorts of pictures and subject matter – from happy scenes with families to Santa bringing presents, to snowmen, and even…the Smurfs! If anyone can tell me what the Smurfs have to do with baby Jesus, I’m all ears.

Seriously, though, we Pagans can have our Advent, too. This can be especially fun if you celebrate the birth of Mithra or Ra, for example. Have fun with your Yule Advent! I’d love to hear about your celebrations and traditions.

Oh, and if you want a really great Advent calendar, I recommend the Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar. It’s completely on-line, and full of suggestions of simple things you can do to make the World a happier, better place. And isn’t THAT really the Spirit of the Season? Thank you to Flora Brown of Color Your Life Happy and Color Your Life Published for sharing the Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar!

Love and Blessings,

Amethyst Mahoney




