Happy 22 Days of Yule!

Happy Winter Holiday Seasons, everyone! I am SO excited for the season because I have a TON of things planned. It may look like I’m not around as much at times, but that is only because I’m retreating to create some great content and products for all of you for next year! 🙂

I hope you’ve taken the time to sign up for my 22 Days of Yule series. This is a completely free series that I am offering as my gift to you this season. If you haven’t signed up yet, please fill out the form to the right of this page.

It’s actually pretty funny – even though we’ve celebrated Yule for years, I have learned a LOT while writing this series. It really has helped me see all of the ways we are all connected, and how all of the holidays as based on many of the same traditions.

Rather than divide ourselves into what we celebrate or what we believe in over the next month, I hope everyone can come together more and see how we are all similar. Whether you celebrate the (re-)birth of the Sun God or of the Son, we are all children of the Divine.

Love and Blessings,

Amethyst Mahoney

P.S. I have some exciting news over at my Tarot page for December! I will be giving FREE 3 Card Readings – just check over at www.AmethsytTarot.com to see how to get yours!



