School of Love and Communication

The School of Love and Communication is represented by the Cups in the Tarot (the Ace of Cups in the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marcetti is pictured here). But what does it mean to be in the School of Love and Communication?

Because humans are evolving and going through so many changes right now, many people chose the School of Love and Communication as their School of Purpose this lifetime. This School of Purpose is all about experiencing your emotions. As you learn and grow, you will often feel like you are on an emotional roller-coaster. This is normal.

Unfortunately, there is a LOT of confusion around the School of Love and Communication, especially in the spiritual and metaphysical communities. Mastering your emotions and learning to connect to others and have meaningful relationships does not mean that you never experience so-called “bad” or “negative” emotions. It doesn’t mean that you don’t get angry. It doesn’t mean that you don’t get sad or even depressed. Some spiritual teachers will tell you that the true goal of spiritual or emotional mastery is to overcome your negative emotions.

When you spend your time labeling certain emotions as “bad,” and trying to overcome them, you actually end up doing more harm than good. Often you suppress your emotions until you end up blowing up at those around you. My husband and I have a joke when we see people fighting not to be angry or sad. We say, “Yes, just stuff that emotion down into a deep, dark well where it can never hurt you again.”

A better plan is to experience the emotion and not try so hard to label it as good or bad. Being human means that you have access to all of your emotions. By not allowing yourself to experience them, you are cutting off the very thing that makes you human – as well as the very thing that can help you connect with the School of Love and Communication.

This is not about acting out or blowing up at people. Nor is it about wallowing in your guilt or depression. Those are actions that you take. What we are talking about here is experiencing your emotions – not acting out on them. You see you can experience your emotions and not exhibit a bunch of drama in your life. It is a very powerful place to be.

Do you allow yourself to experience your emotions? Let me know in the comments below.

How do you know if you’re in the School of Love and Communication or what School of Purpose you are in? Find out with your free guide to Unlock Your Purpose and Get Paid to Do What You Love:


