The Craft

I have a confession to make: I love The Craft. This is my dirty little secret. A lot of Wiccans and Pagans get really riled up over this movie, but I think it’s just fun. I love it.

Every year around Halloween I make sure I watch this. Oh, and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Those are pretty much my main Halloween movies.

Some people say that this movie glamorizes Wicca and at the same time gives it a bad name because the main character uses it for power and to do bad things.

Let me set you straight real quick: it’s not magic or Wicca or Paganism or anything else that is bad. Being a witch will only help you bring out yourself in a bigger way. It expands your own energy. If you’re already a “bad” person (and that really is subjective), then it will bring that out in you. Once you learn about the Wiccan Rede, which we’ll discuss tomorrow, then hopefully you will start doing more things that would be considered “good” as you’ll realize how really interconnected the World is.

Whatever you think about The Craft, I say this movie is just a harmless good time. If you get your panties all in a wad about it, perhaps that says a lot about you that you might want to think about.

What movies about witchcraft do you like? Which ones do you not like? Have you sat down and looked up movies and shows that include witchcraft? You might be surprised at how prevalent they actually are.




