The Need to Be Specific

Today’s post is about me trying to learn the same lesson – again.

Many of you know that I recently set out on a Law of Attraction experiment (which I admit I have not been practicing very well) about a month ago. The goal was to make an extra $10,000 in the next three months to pay for some specific items.

Well, the Universe has a funny way of sending you things, but if you don’t tell it HOW you want it sent, you may not be getting what you really want.

About two weeks after this experiment, I ran into an old teacher of mine from grad school. We haven’t seen each other in about 2 years, and she kept telling her husband she had just been talking about me. She wanted me to come back to school and TA some Industrial Hygiene classes. The offer would be about $12,000.

Problem solved, right? Not really. I don’t want to go back to school or teach IH, so I declined.

Then last week my husband decided to cash out some things and move some finances around. Long story short, we have about $13,000 coming in next week.

Again, problem solved, LoA worked, right? Not really. I want the extra income to come from my business. I really didn’t specify this at the beginning, so I think I need to regroup and restart. Now, this is a pretty touchy subject. After all, when you believe in positive thinking and the Law of Attraction, you’re not supposed to worry about how the things happen or how it comes to you – you’re just supposed to be open to receiving it.

So what do you think? Did my experiment work because I attracted over $10,000 in the last month – twice (even though I turned it down once)? Do you think that it matters if it comes from a specific place? How would you modify your LoA experiment if you are doing one?

For me, I am thinking about changing my goal to 2 high-end clients in the next month. This will help build my confidence (and self-esteem) in the long term, and will yield just as much money.

Good idea or bad idea? I’d love to hear your take on this!



