Your Love Relationship

Ah…love and romance. The thing that really makes the World go round and life worth living. For the next month or so, we’ll talk about your romantic love relationship, how to improve the one you have, how to figure out if you are in the right one, and how to attract a good one if you don’t have one right now.

So why do so many people have so much trouble in this area? It seems like everyone talks about love and romance, but very few people seem to “get it right.”

Many people have that romantic idea of walking into a crowded room, your eyes meeting someone else’s, and the two of you being drawn together ~ forever.

Okay…please wake up now. While that may be a steamy dreamy love scene from a romantic movie, in reality it just doesn’t happen very often. Pretty much never. The problem with love and romantic relationships is that most people think there is one Soul Mate out there ~ and the person they are dating “could” be their Soul Mate!

This is so anathema to how I ever approached relationships. The very idea of having a “Soul Mate” is so limiting to me. Sure, it’s great for a Disney movie, but in real life? Not so much. I do believe in love and having fabulous relationships. That is totally possible. But the truth is there are many, many people on this Earth (7 billion and counting). There are a LOT of people who would be a great match for you.

This is great news because you don’t have to settle for someone who is not a good match for you. You don’t have to look at every date as if you “have to” get it right so you don’t mess up your chance. There are always plenty of chances for love. When you realize this and view love through the lens of abundance, it takes a lot of pressure off of dating. Finding “the One” will become a thing of the past, and your love and romantic life will improve. Plus, you’ll just have tons more fun!

One of my favorite books when I was in High School was Barbara DeAngelas‘ “Are You the One For Me?” I would quote something from it for you, but I just gave my copy to a friend the other night. I love this book, and if you are looking for a relationship, or even wondering if your current one is right for you, this is a great little gem to pick up (it’s still available on Amazon). By far, this is the best book of hers if you are looking for love or wondering if you should stay in your current relationship. (She has other books that are better suited to improving your current relationship if you are committed.)

Barbara likes to talk about the relationship bombs that you need to identify so that you don’t get stuck with someone toxic: things like excessive drinking or drug addiction, financial incompatibility, and even looking at whether or not religious beliefs might cause an issue. These are things that you should find out EARLY in a relationship ~ not 2 years later when you are deciding whether or not to get married. It also talks about how to draw or attract the most perfect partner to you ~ more on that in the next post.

So, the tip of the day if you’re looking for love is this: keep your eyes open! Besides, how else will you see that romantic stranger staring at you from across the room?  🙂

Amethyst Mahoney



