Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Today is Day 3 of the De-Clutter Challenge…Wait, okay, it’s really not. I lied.

In fact, I’ve been lying all along.

It’s not really a De-Clutter (or unclutter, if you prefer) challenge. What you have really been doing is Creating Space. I slipped that in to an earlier post just to get you ready, but some of you may not have noticed the word change.

You see, the Universe doesn’t hear negatives. So if you say, “I’m going to De-Clutter,” the De- gets dropped, and what the Universe hears you focusing on is “Clutter.” That is why it’s important to always frame your goals in the positive. For instance, instead of saying, “I don’t want more debt,” the Universe hears, “I want more debt.” Instead of saying, “I’m not going to eat more desserts,” the Universe hears, “I’m going to eat more desserts.” So instead, find positive words for what you WANT (don’t worry about what you don’t want). Say things like, “I have an abundance of money and the Universe always provides for me,” or “I choose healthy food that nourishes my body and soul.” Don’t those feel better?

Anyway, it wasn’t really fair for me to start this off as the De-Cluttering Challenge. However, I believe in meeting people where they are, and most people understand the concept of de-cluttering. In order to communicate with and change people, you have to be able to talk to them in a way that they understand before moving forward.

Now – are you ready to move forward? Let’s continue with the 15 minute Clean Sweep every day. However, instead of thinking of De-Cluttering, let’s get into the habit of thinking of Creating Space. By removing old, damaged, and unwanted items, you are creating space in your home for love, harmony, and happiness, not to mention any new business and/or items you want.

In fact, let’s take it one step forward and call it Creating Sacred Space. Your home should be your sanctuary. It should nourish and energize you. From now on, only add objects that feel sacred to you or that truly make you happy.

Do you feel the shift in energy when you think of your home this way?

If not, then feel free to continue to call it De-Cluttering for a little while longer. When you’ve made even more progress in that area, the energy and happiness you are creating will help you take the leap into the sacred. Of course, not everyone will call it that or will feel comfortable with it – yet. What do you call your actions around this? Are you comfortable making the change in focus? Does it make you feel any differently? I’d love to hear about your adventures in Creating Your Sacred Home. 😉

A Birdie Magically Appeared






2 responses to “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life”

  1. Marian Avatar

    In Sanskrit this is called “Matrika Shakti” and is the power of letters and sounds that manifest. It’s quite amazing!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Marian, thank you for that information. I am a certified yoga instructor, but I can never seem to remember the Sanskrit words for anything anymore!