Did I Attract that Spider Bite?

Some of you may have read over at Amethyst Tarot yesterday that I have some strange bite on my arm that I think is from a spider, and it seems to be making me pretty ill. If you didn’t catch that post, along with its corresponding Tarot cards, you can read about it here.

Now, being someone who believes a great deal that we all create our own lives and our own circumstances, of course this puts me into a bit of a conundrum. Did I attract that spider bite, knowing full well that it would put me out of commission for several days? If so, that could say any number of things about me and my business.

First of all, if I attracted being bitten, it could indicate that I needed a break after such a high-energy weekend. I could have known that some down-time would definitely be in order, and that I wouldn’t take the time for self-care and grounding that I would need. It could also mean that I knew that I was starting to get my husband’s illness, and that by slowing down for a few days I could stave that off and recover without getting ill for an entire week or two.

On the other hand, and the conclusion that at least one person has put forward, it could indicate that I am still afraid of being super successful, and that having my best day EVER in any business was a little too much for me. I would prefer to not think it is this option as I have completely changed my ideas surrounding money lately. Or, I think I have. My relationship with money has taken on whole new meanings in just the last month or two alone. However, maybe another money mindset talk wouldn’t be a bad idea!

Good thing the Soul and Prosperity Telesummit is going on right now. If you haven’t signed up, you can check it out at this link here. I am in no way associated with this telesummit, nor am I an affiliate of anyone involved. I just think it’s great information and worth checking out. The calls are recorded if you can’t listen to them live, and it will be going on through November 1st. There are 2-3 calls a week, and a ton of great info.

One more thing, though. I do have some issues with the Law of Attraction and similar principles, at least the way I have heard them taught. Sometimes I think stuff just happens.

For example, when there is a natural disaster, I’m not sure that saying that thousands of people had a soul contract to check out at that time is the best response. To me this has the same feeling as when Pat Robertson says there was a natural disaster “because of all the gays” or “because people got together and swore a pact to the Devil.” Totally different approaches, yes. It evokes the same feeling, though, at least for me. In case you can’t tell, that’s not a very good feeling. When something terrible happens, sometimes compassion is more of the order of the day.

What do you think? When something happens is it always because the person attracted it? Or is there ever a chaotic element to the Universe? It is something designed or does chance ever step into the picture? Maybe sometimes is a spider bite just a spider bite.

I’d love to hear from you!







12 responses to “Did I Attract that Spider Bite?”

  1. Terrie Marie Avatar

    Hello Amethyst,
    You raise many excellent points. In the end, sometimes a cold is just a cold. Others times we are a small part in the overall experience. Not exactly being in the wrong place at the wrong time or even the right place at the right time. Things that “happen” are often a result of residual energy, residual mind-set. We move through experiences, shifting energy. We expect immediate results, which do occur. We also expect a life-time of emotions, thoughts and behavior patterns to vanish in a nano-second simply. Everything manifests in a nano-second in our name in the Realm of Spirit. It is we who must or step aside from all that is now behind and accept all we desire and more. The challenge is to believe all things we choose to create are of the same importance the same priority. It is in our minds that some desires have a higher priority or are “bigger” because of their importance to us. Sometimes a spider bite is just a spider bite.
    Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,
    Terrie Marie the Angel Lady

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Excellent points, Terrie. I’m going to have to read what you wrote several times. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Marian Avatar

    I actually think that when things like this happen after something really big in our lives it is so that we can fully absorb the process before just “moving on…”

    I’ve had these kinds of experiences immediately after a big life transformation and this has always been a time to just enjoy it, absorb it and allow it to be. If we didn’t take this time, we’d just move through life regardless of the transformations which then wouldn’t mean much…

    Just my take on this!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      That’s a great take on it, Marian. I have a lot to think about. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. PeggyLee Hanson Avatar

    I am a late bloomer when it comes to the Laws of the Universe. Wanting to learn more about them, I picked up the book “The Laws of Thinking” by Bishop E. Jordan. Finally a book that made sense to me! And one that resonated, too. I also found the other day on my bookshelf one written by Deepak Chopra. Funny how these two books were bought eons ago and happen to show up just at the time when I’m looking to learn more!?!?
    Anyway, I digress. Ame, you and I seem to be on a similar path. I too am under the weather today, being sick on the first leg of my flight out to Pennsylvania visiting my daughter and her husband (and mine too!). I can hardly breathe without aching. This week has put me in a tailspin about the “great” work I’ll be doing shortly…. and it is scary to say the least. I’m not sure I’m ready for it…. but that does not matter, right? The rest of the world is ready and needs to have the information we possess. As with any new adventure — likened to learning how to ride a bike, perhaps — fears of going it alone abound. What if I fall? Who will catch me? Ooooo…. you bring up an interesting facet that is feeding my brain with metaphors…. As with integrity (if we can’t be aligned with ourselves) how can we be with the world? Same holds true perhaps with our health? — if we can’t heal ourselves, how can we heal the world?
    All this because of a little spider.

    1. Amethyst Avatar


      Sorry to hear you are a little under the weather. I hope things go well out in Pennsylvania. I will check out the book you suggested. ๐Ÿ™‚

      All of this because of a little spider, yes. I can wax esoterical on about anything. Or relate it to Tarot. Did you see my response to the kitten that was scared of the apples? You can find it here: http://amethysttarot.com/what-are-the-apples-in-my-life/

      It’s definitely also something to think about. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Tor Constantino, MBA Avatar

    Interesting, thought-provoking read Amethyst. I agree that sometimes “stuff just happens.” Also, I wanted you to know that even though I’m a devout Christian – I think that Pat Robertson is a reckless tool who is a PR nightmare for the faith. Congrats on your success!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      HAHAHAHA, Tor, about your Pat Robertson comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Elise Avatar

    I believe everything happens for a reason. Yes, I am one of ‘those’ people ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s the reason ‘why’ is what usually drives most people nuts. Honestly I don’t know whether your bite was a consequence, a sign, a moment to pause in life, or just a catalyst to write this blog to get others thinking,…or quite possibly a combination of some of the above and numerous other options. Usually in time you will know the answer. Sometimes it can be a day to figure it out other times it could be years. In the meantime get better soon ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Elise, maybe it was just to get us all to think a little. This may very well end up being one of my most popular blog posts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Roy A. Ackerman, PhD, EA@Cerebrations.biz Avatar

    Oh, Ame:
    Don’t be a Little Miss Muffet! The spider bit you because you were available, encroaching on its space, while you were expanding and relishing yours!
    It was its way to let you know you are not alone in this world. Everyone and everything has its function. You served yours, as you managed to proceed along the path to your goals.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Leave it to Roy to bring us down to Earth! ๐Ÿ™‚