Fire Element

Today’s challenge is to post a picture of nature, fire element. Fire has always fascinated me, and I feel a very close connection to it.That’s probably why I spend the majority of my magical time doing candle magic, and why I spontaneously began to do this at a very young age. I have never had any issues with fire. Many people worry that if you mess with candles you might set your house on fire.

That’s not to say that I’ve never been near a fire or never had any fires start in my home (although the ones I remember were from someone else’s cigarette as well as 2 kitchen fires). I have also had a couple of car fires and stopped for others’ whose cars had caught on fire. I even went to get my cousin once who was in a neighbor’s yard that had caught on fire. But, I’ve never been scared of fire. And except for the neighbor’s brush/yard fire I’ve always been able to quickly put everything out. I greatly respect fire, but I can’t imagine ever being afraid of it.

Perhaps if I chose to live in an area with wild fires I would feel differently. But I don’t choose to live in a place like that. Nor do I choose to live in an area affected by tornadoes, earthquakes, or frequent floods.

So for now, I really love fire. I have some friends who fire dance. I’m not a dancer, so I don’t really have any inclination to do this myself. But I really enjoy watching. What do you think about fire?






3 responses to “Fire Element”

  1. Amanda Avatar

    I like fire. I wouldn’t say I LOVE it but there’s nothing like settling in around a campfire ring with friends and family and enjoying the moment of stories and laughs!

  2. Marian Avatar

    I love this!

    I am a Sagittarius and have a lot of Sag throughout my chart so am fiery. I love candles and incense.

    When I was a little girl my mother was a smoker and once when she was busy I picked up her matches to light a fire just because it was “so pretty…” I nearly burnt down the house–I didn’t because my grandmother walked in on time, but this may have been my first fire experience! LOL! Yikes!

  3. Roy A. Ackerman, PhD, EA @ Avatar

    I think most people are fascinated by fire. We watch the undulations of the flames and are often mesmerized by their choreography…
    I used to have a forest in my back yard- and there were annual (and more frequent) forest fires..One even threatened our house- but it was always interesting to see the flames and colors.