How to Keep Your Law of Attraction Journal

One of the funnest things about starting a Law of Attraction Experiment is keeping track of all the amazing things that happen.

Get a journal just for your Law of Attraction experiences, especially around creating more abundance, income, or money in your life. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy like the journals in the picture. You can get a 3-ring binder, a notebook, or a little notepad.

Use anything you’d like, as long as it is specifically kept for the Law of Attraction.

The first thing is to write down your financial goals and intentions for the year: “I intend to make $10,000 extra by June 30, 2012” or “I intend to create $42,000 in my business this year.” Think of a specific goal and write this down.

I prefer to do this in the back of my journal, about 5-10 pages before the end or in the last section if it is in a divided notebook. That way I can easily flip to it and see it at anytime. Plus, the Universe knows this is your goal. Everything you write is leading up to your desired outcome.

Directly underneath your goal, write down all of the things that you attract and their value so you can see everything start adding up. Do this anytime something happens, even if you don’t know the exact value. You can also make this part of your gratitude practice.

Keep entries such as the following in your journal:

4/3 Won a free scented candle $1.25
4/3 Brent received a free special-brew beer $4.00
4/3 Two for 1 and 50% specials $36.72
4/3 extra money received $97
4/3 Total for day: $138.97

As you can see, things really start to add up quickly.

Every day you can also write your intentions for the day, what you are grateful for, and anything great that comes your way. Write whatever you want your Law of Attraction Journey, especially how you feel. I keep my notebook with me so that I can add to it anytime.

What do you keep in your Law of Attraction Journal? How does it work for you? I’d love to hear about it!






5 responses to “How to Keep Your Law of Attraction Journal”

  1. Bonnie Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your journal entries Amethyst. An example really helps clarify and make sense of it all. I’ve kept many a journal but never one for the Law of Attraction. Brilliant idea!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Thanks, Bonnie. It really helps tons! Especially keeping the list in the back. 🙂

  2. Stacy Avatar

    This is a good idea, thank you for sharing! By keeping track it’s much more apparent how much is actually being accomplished!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      That’s so true, Stacy. Sometimes we don’t even realize how well things are working!

  3. catherine Avatar

    This is a really good idea as it keeps you focusing on the positive little things rather than what you have not achieved. great post x