Law of attrACTION


Today’s post is inspired by yesterday’s post by Bonnie Copeland at My Rivendell. Apparently there are a lot of people out there who believe that finding their way to prosperity only requires a changed mindset. Many of the big gurus in the Law of Attraction arena seem to say that you only need to believe in your prosperity and abundance, and anything you want can be yours.

But that is only part of the story. Getting your mindset right and changing your belief system is a fundamental part of a positive life and prosperity thinking, and you really can’t get anywhere without doing these things. However, sitting back and just dreaming is nothing more than Wishful Thinking. To fully understand and activate the Law of Attraction, there is another key component: ACTION.

In fact, you can’t even have the Law of Attraction without Action. Look – it’s written right there in the word!

What I believe about things like The Secret, Esther Hicks and Abraham, and even the Celestine Prophecy, is that the Law of Attraction gets you ready to receive your abundance. It provides a strong foundation and counteracts all of the negative programming we have received about how money is “bad.” Once you get your mindset right, identify your core values, find your passion, and set your goals for what you truly want in life, you will be ready and willing to take steps to create your new Positive Magical Life.

This week, for example, we have been talking about De-Cluttering, or what I like to call Creating (Sacred) Space. This is great to attract a ton of good things into your life, including money. One of the quickest ways to attract money is to have a huge garage sale from all of the things you de-cluttered. This takes a TON of work.

One of the things that brought this about was buying a booth at the Portland Body Mind Spirit Expo. This booth was pretty expensive, and I had originally hesitated to get it. However, I decided to trust myself (and the Universe), and hit the “Buy Booth” button. Within the next day or so, I decided that I needed to remove the clutter in my life in order to make room for all of the new clients I would be getting. (Part of this was prompted by the need to organize my space so that I can write my presentation for the expo.) It was a very short step from there to realize that I could have a huge garage sale. (Normally I just donate all of my things.)

While many people would not call this the Law of Attraction in Action, I beg to differ. It all started from believing that the Universe is an abundant place and stepping out on a leap of faith that I can create a successful business. Everything has snowballed from there. Every success leads to more actions which lead to more success.

I had to believe that I would make enough money back from the Expo in order to pay the booth fee before I could take that step and purchase the booth in the first place. In fact, I’ve made enough from the garage sale to cover the fee, so I do not even have to wait until November to recoup my money – I can send the payment to my credit card and be done with it.

It is through the actions that you take where your real prosperity and abundance come from. Once you understand the Truth about the abundance of the Universe, you drop a lot of the fears that have been holding you back. You begin to do things that you never would have done. Your life becomes a crazy series of synchronicity and magical things. And that encourages you to take even more steps to create even more abundance. Somewhere along the way, you start to believe that even your wildest dreams are possible.

So don’t just sit in neutral and wonder why you aren’t getting anywhere in life. What ACTION are you going to take today to create the abundant life you were born to live?






8 responses to “Law of attrACTION”

  1. […] But that is only part of the story. For the Truth (as I see it) about the Law of Attraction, see my post at Positive Magical Life. […]

  2. Roy A. Ackerman, PhD, EA Avatar

    Wasn’t it Neil Armstrong who said it best? That’s one small step for [wo]man, one giant leap for mankind? Take that first step and change the world!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Haha, Roy. I see you saw my Twitter comment today: where are the women? 🙂

  3. lynadawn Avatar

    Having been a manifester my whole life, I realize that taking action when prompted has not only helped me get what I want, but also allows me to enjoy the hourney to it.

    Great article….

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      That’s really a good thing to think about, “taking action when prompted.” 🙂

  4. Bonnie Avatar

    First, thanks for mentioning my blog. I appreciate you for that!
    Second what a powerful post! You really put into straightforward words what the Law of Attraction is all about. Your comment “Getting your mindset right and changing your belief system is a fundamental part of a positive life and prosperity thinking, and you really can’t get anywhere without doing these things” is so bang on!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Thanks, Bonnie. I’m glad you liked it. 😉

  5. Savira Avatar

    Sometimes making that step for action really works… When you start doing things do happen. Trusting and having faith in one’s action key..
    Loved your post