Setting New Clean Home Habits

Hello, Everyone, and welcome to Day 2 of Your De-Clutter-Rama!

Since you got started with your 15 minutes of de-cluttering yesterday, go ahead and start making this a daily habit. If you haven’t done your 15 minutes today, guess what: it’s time to grab your timer, your trash bag or recycle bin, and go for it! Don’t worry – I’ll be here when you are all done.

In fact, I’ll get you started with a little music to get you in the mood:

Whistle While You Work

Now that you’ve finished your 15 minute Clean Sweep for the day, it’s time to talk about the flip side of de-cluttering: You have to stop creating more clutter. There are a few simple things that you can do every day that will only take a few seconds or a minute or two in order to keep your household running smoothly.

First of all, mail is a HUGE issue for everyone. Even if you have unsubscribed from everything and told everyone to remove you from the junk mail lists, most people still get an inordinate amount of mail. The solution to the mail issue is to get rid of as much of it as you can as soon as possible. The first thing I do when I walk in the door is throw all of the junk mail in the recycle bin. I schedule bills that need to be paid through my on-line banking account and then recycle the paper bill. Right now I need to adjust my filing system for the very few things that I need to keep.

Next, have a place to put your keys every night. We finally hung a basket right by the front door to put all of our keys. This will save you a lot of time from looking for them in odd places or at the bottom of a purse. It is also helpful if you have more than one vehicle (and a riding lawnmower) so that everyone has access to all of the keys all of the time.

Finally, clean out your receipts from your pocket or your purse every day. Either recycle them or file them if you need them for tax purposes. At any rate, do not throw everything you have accumulated in your pocket or purse during the day in a giant pile on your dresser or somewhere else in the house. Creating piles is a guaranteed way to increase your clutter. Clutter attracts clutter, so make sure you are not adding to it every day.

These three things will go a long ways towards making your house a beautiful and comfortable home. As you work on your 15 minutes of de-cluttering each day, you can take pride in knowing that you are not setting yourself back or adding to your work load by doing a couple of little things that take a few seconds or a minute or two.

Don’t get overwhelmed if you feel like you are not doing enough or not making a big enough dent. Over time, your actions add up, and it is making a huge difference in your life already! Don’t give up. Small steps every day lead to huge changes and results in less time than you think. And even if it takes you an entire year to de-clutter, that is a year well-spent and you will reap the benefits for many years down the line.

How are you feeling now that you have a plan to reduce daily clutter and you have spent some time de-cluttering your home? Do things feel more spacious? Are you more energized? I’d love to hear how your life is changing and you are creating more positive energy for new and exciting things.






8 responses to “Setting New Clean Home Habits”

  1. Nicky Kriel Avatar

    Interesting to read this. I am going through a major decluttering process at the moment. Tackling one small area at a time and getting my friends to help me go through the process. They help keep things in perspective.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      That’s a great idea to enlist the help of your friends, Nicky! I tend to tackle my demons on my own. Maybe that’s why it is so hard for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ali Bierman Avatar

    Great post, very useful suggestions. I used to live in a 2-story 2400 Sq Ft house all by myself with my cat. To keep it straight and clean I spent 20 minutes a day working on it. I also spent 20 minutes a day mowing the hilly hole-filled nearly full acre of yard ! Moral? I wnted a life so I moved into a smaller house with a tiny yard.

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Ali, your story made me laugh. I am actually just considering hiring a house cleaner and a kid to cut our acre so that I can have a life. I’m going to justify it to my husband by saying that it is my way of “stimulating the economy!” Think it’ll work? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Jan Avatar

    Nice,my home is fairly clutter free, except for mail. It is everywhere, in every drawer, in my purse, in the car. I am hoping I can change these habits. thank you!

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Jan, I would highly encourage you to keep a recycle bin OUTSIDE. Do NOT enter your home with the mail before tossing out all of the junk into the recycling bin. Not letting it into the home at all is extremely powerful, and helps establish your home as a clutter-free safe haven.

      I had to establish this habit, and I see my husband looking at me funny when I walk straight to the outside bin (we also have a recycling bin inside the house). For a while it was actually hard for me to do this, but I found a funny trick that worked. Do you remember the scene in “Happy Gilmore” about the ball wanting to be in the hole because that’s its home, and all you have to do is send it home? It actually wants to BE home.

      I think of my mail’s home as the recycling bin – it wants to get there as soon as it can. I need to go through it, take care of what needs to be done, and then send it on its way. And yes, every once in a while when it starts to pile up, I do yell at it ask it, “Why won’t you just go home!??!” ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. PeggyLee Hanson Avatar

    Love the idea of breaking down the de-clutter task into 15 minutes a day; certainly removes the overwhelm of a super huge project!
    My 15 minutes begin in 20 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Peggy, you’re a trooper. I love how you’re doing everything and getting ready for the wedding. ๐Ÿ™‚

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