Versatile Blogger Award

Well, here’s a funny story. Yesterday I posted a video about how I was feeling down the other day. One of the “last straws” that really got to me was how it seems like everyone I know has been getting the Versatile Blogger Award. Everyone but me.

The funny part? Mommasachs actually gave me the award back on August the 25th. I just never saw anything about it. This brings up a good point. Something that was bothering me wasn’t even actually real. How many times have you worked yourself up over something and then found out it wasn’t true?

Anyway, thank you Mommasachs. We met through the Ultimate Blog Challenge. If you haven’t participated in this before, I highly recommend that you do so. It’s an extremely supportive community full of very talented bloggers and business people. There will be a new challenge starting in October.

Now, on to the Award stuff. The Rules of accepting the Versatile Blogger Award are:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs (contact them to let them know).

I’ve already done number 1, so…

7 Things About Me

1. I’m naturally blonde. I had a very high IQ (before a bad car accident I was in a few years ago, at least), but I’ve always been just a little dingy. I’m pretty okay with that, except when I can’t find my glasses because they’re on my head or I can’t find my keys when they’re in my pocket. ๐Ÿ™‚

2. I’ve been in 9 movies. All but one were no-budget horror films. One of them, “Platoon of the Dead,” was on Netflix instant watch for some time. You can watch them at your own peril – they’re really bad and I’m a terrible actress. However, I am an amazing screamer. It’s really my talent in life. I got hired for one movie by screaming over the phone – from another room in the house.

3. I’ve always done magic, especially candle magic. When I was growing up, I thought I was just praying really hard – with props! I was raised extremely fundamentalist and would have hated the open-minded person I have become. I spent my ENTIRE 20’s (actually from about 16 or 17-32) immersed in serious religious and spiritual studies. If it’s considered a religion, chances are I know something about it or have at least heard of it. A special shout out to all of my friends at Temple of the Jedi Force.

4. I used to speak Spanish. Then my boyfriend got deported. This was when I was around 16 or so (and he had
told me he had a green card). After that I required some form of ID from every single person who asked me out. They thought I was weird. I think I was just ahead of my time.

5. I grew up very poor. We moved all the time, usually because we ran out of money or the bill collectors caught up to us. I was homeless for a while and lived out of my car for a bit. I still struggle with my money mindset sometimes, but I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made in this area.

6. I used to weigh somewhere between 230 and 250 pounds. It took a year-and-a-half for me to lose about 100 pounds. Few things anger me more than “get thin quick” pills and scams.

7. I don’t accept excuses from people. You can tell me how your life is bad and why it’s bad or this, that, or the other. You can blame everyone and everything else and tell me how it’s all keeping you down and there’s nothing you can do about it. But the truth is, I don’t believe you. I know the real truth – that you are an amazing person with the ability to make new, exciting choices, go after your dreams, and create a fabulous new life. Don’t tell me why you can’t, because I will just tell you why you can. I know it’s possible because I did it. That’s how I know you can do it, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Pass this award along to 15 bloggers (there are several people I am leaving off this list because I can plainly see that they have already gotten the award):

Shivie Cook – Igniting the Spark Within/The Cook and Butler
Roy Ackerman – Adjuvancy
Ali Bierman – How to Have Amazing Relationships
Bonnie Copeland – My Rivendell
John Liming – The Liming Liberal Digest
Kiki – Tarot Dame
Elizabeth Purvis – Marketing Goddess
Ann Satley – Technically, That’s Illegal
Paul Taubman – I Need Help With WordPress
Jim Kipp – Kipper’s Daily Workout
Cori Malloy – Cori’s Low-Carb Life
Ravenmyth – Ravenmyth
Corinne Rodrigues – Everyday Gyaan
Janine Ripper – Reflections from a Red Head
krissy brady – Keeping the Passion for Writing Alive
Wow, that took way too long to put together. But at least now I have a list of some of my favorite sites all in one place!Have a positively magical day, everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚






7 responses to “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. shivie Avatar

    Congrats on the award. Great point about worrying about something that was not even real, things are not as they seem nor are they otherwise! Thank you for the mention, I m so happy to have met you through the blog challenge. Today is my last day (until october) of blogging every day since july 1…phew now I go to 3 xs a week. Your love and support were integral to my success. Much love to you

  2. Ali Bierman Avatar

    Just when I think it can’t be done you impress me even more. I am very grateful you came into my world, Ame!

  3. Corinne Rodrigues Avatar

    Thank you, Ame. I’m really honored. I generally don’t pick up award tags…but I am certainly grateful for them ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Janine Avatar

    Congrats and thank you…I’m touched for the nomination, and I loved learning more about you (especially the screaming bit in the horror films – how awesome is that!).

    1. Amethyst Mahoney Avatar
      Amethyst Mahoney

      Haha, it’s not as glamorous as it sounds, Janine. In fact, some days I could only get in 7 or 8 good screams. Of course, that was enough to make people freak out and call 911, but that’s another story… ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Janine Avatar

        Hilarious. I want to hear more! Coming from an ex-film student it all sounds fab.

  5. […] one of my other sites, so if you want to know even more things about me, feel free to head over to Positive Magical Life. It’s a scream, haha. I also gave the award to 15 DIFFERENT bloggers than the ones listed […]