What Do You Do When the Universe is out to Get You

Did you ever just have one of those days? You know, the kind where you wake up, give thanks for another fabulous day, do some deep breathing, and then jump out of bed only to land in a puddle of dog pee?

Or you stub your toe on the way to the bathroom? Or you rip your new shirt? Or burn your forehead with the straightening iron?

You know those days when you try to smile, do Ho’oponopono, positive visualizations, afformations, and still nothing goes right? The kind of day that makes you think the whole Universe is out to get you, trying to test your resolve, or just somehow “prove” the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?

I had a day like that recently. I decided to go for a bike ride, but my tires were flat. The pump we use to inflate them was nowhere to be found. So I thought I’d throw the bike on my bike rack and drive to the gas station to use their air pump.

Except my bike rack was broken. Or is rusted. Or I didn’t have the right key (I still haven’t figured that out yet). So I threw the bike into the back of our truck (plan C or D), and drove the mile to the gas station. And realized that I had left my purse in the Tracker (you know, the vehicle with the broken bike rack). So I drove back home, grabbed my purse, jacket, and helmet, and drove back to the gas station where I filled up the tires.

I decided to use a route I’ve walked before that goes by a nearby park by the river, so I drove downtown. I parked across the street from the library and grabbed the bike out of the back. The tires already seemed to be losing air. I told the Universe I was going to go for a bike ride, and enjoy my day, dammit, and pedaled off. When I finally got to park, the trail was inaccessible. This is a picture from my phone’s camera. Normally, this whole area is a parking lot. The water was at least 5 feet higher than normal (see that sign in the distance?).

I find a little trail that went through the cemetery and pedaled back to the library, where I got a few “Pearls Before Swine” cartoon books and went to order a pizza. By this point I was ready to call it a day.

Success or not? I was able to stay pretty happy most of the day, and laughed about how ridiculous the day was. At least I got a blog post of it.

What do you do when you feel like the Universe is out to get you? Do you laugh it off, make other plans, or get angry? How does the Law of Attraction figure into these situations? What do you say when people tell you that you attracted a lost bicycle pump (my husband had it) or 5 feet of rain (damn, I must be powerful!)? I’d love to hear your views on this.






One response to “What Do You Do When the Universe is out to Get You”

  1. Martha Orlando Avatar

    Oh, yes, we have all had those types of days! I used to get frustrated and upset when things didn’t go as planned, but now I just take a deep breath, laugh, and look on the bright side.
    Great post and inspiration for us to remember that when the going gets tough, the tough get going!
    Blessings to you!